ABC radio interview on Hollywood blockbusters crowding out local productions

Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny has been interviewed by ABC radio The World Today program regarding federal and state government subsidies to international film productions. The ABC website post notes:

The latest big-budget superhero movie, Thor: Love and Thunder, has begun filming this year, with the assistance of a $24 million government grant.

It comes at a time when the Federal Government is about to reduce tax offsets for Australian film.

Celebrated Australian playwright David Williamson says Australia has the funding mix wrong and needs to focus more on supporting Australian cinema.

Gene has long been sceptical about the special industry assistance provided to the film industry. In his view, this assistance mostly benefits multinationals such as Disney rather than Australian taxpayers, who may end up being worse off.

To listen to the interview, which was broadcast on 11 February 2021, click the link here.

You can read more about the case against film industry subsidies in a 2017 Centre for Independent Studies Policy paper written by Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny.

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