Gene Tunny, Director

Gene Tunny is the Founder and Director of Adept Economics, a Brisbane-based consultancy which specialises in economic modelling and cost-benefit analysis. He is also Vice-President of the Economic Society of Australia (Queensland) and a Director of Early Childhood Intervention Australia. He is a former Australian Treasury official with experience in domestic and international issues.

While at Treasury, Gene developed the program for a G20 workshop on international labour mobility and he also played a role in Australia’s response to the global financial crisis, advising on debt policy and cash management.

In recent years, Gene has been a course leader and expert presenter for several short courses delivered by University of Queensland’s International Development unit. These courses have covered topics such as best practice policy development, industry policy and trade policy (e.g. tariff policies), cost benefit analysis, taxation, natural resource economics for officials from Indonesia’s Ministries of Finance (Kemenkeu) and National Development Planning (Bappenas).

Based on his experience as a former Australian Treasury official and as a practising professional economist, Gene is able to provide a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge that is well appreciated by course participants.

In his consulting practice, Gene regularly consults to a range of private and public sector clients, including Commonwealth and state government agencies, such as the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (Commonwealth) and the Office of Industrial Relations (Queensland Government). Other recent clients have included the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance, the Beenleigh Housing Development Company, and Urban Turf Solutions.

Typically, Gene’s consulting work is highly policy relevant. For example, in 2018, he led an economic analysis for the Queensland Office of Industrial Relations, assessing proposed changes to the regulation of amusement devices.

Gene has a first-class honours degree in economics from the University of Queensland and was a University Medallist. He has also lectured in UQ’s School of Economics, most recently as course leader for ECON2040 Macroeconomic Policy.

Gene is a regular public speaker and participant in panel discussions. He has spoken at conferences organised by CPA Australia and the Western Australia Local Government Association, among others.

Gene appears frequently in state and national media commenting on economic issues. For example, in 2019, Gene participated in panel discussions on Emma Griffiths’ 612 ABC Brisbane radio program Focus on the issues of Australia’s low wages growth and the Opposition’s proposed changes to negative gearing and capital gains taxation.

Tim Hughes

Tim came onboard as Adept’s Business Development Manager in April 2021 after several years of contract work with Gene.

Tim has a background in managing and owning small businesses including a Photocopy Centre, PT Studio, Gym, Corporate Health Services and Ergonomic Solutions.

He also has experience in Tourism and Hospitality having worked in an Austrian ski resort for three winter seasons and a Guernsey hotel for a year.

Aside from his experience in the Health industry Tim has a special interest in the Film and TV industry having spent a decade working on productions in the UK and Australia.

“My work with Adept is driven by a curiosity to see how different industries tick and how we can help them develop and grow”.

Arturo Espinoza Bocangel

Arturo joined the Adept team in February 2022 as an Economic Researcher. Before arriving in Brisbane, Arturo was working as a public officer in the Ministry of Trade and Tourism in Peru focusing on market access topics at the multilateral and regional level.

After that, Arturo got a master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy at the University of Queensland. Arturo has an important background in international trade issues and, currently, he is working as a tutor in economics at the University of Queensland.

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Everyone understands the importance of an economic perspective and rigorous economic analysis in decision making (in business, NFPs, governments, and households). This means the community will apply its resources to the best possible uses. “Economics” after all, is derived from the ancient Greek word for household. It’s about using scarce resources in the best possible ways.

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