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Case Study

ROI of workplace health and safety initiatives

Adept Economics has worked with the Queensland Office of Industrial Relations to develop a Return on Investment Calculator (ROI) to allow businesses and other organisations to obtain indicative estimates of the ROI of various workplace health and safety interventions (e.g. a workplace wellness program, ergonomic office set up, automated shrink wrapping of palettes, etc). The online tool is hosted on the worksafe.qld.gov.au website and generates an ROI estimate (i.e. $ of benefits per $ of costs) based on user responses to questions aimed at obtaining the required data, including:

  • Costs (CAPEX, OPEX) of intervention incl. staff time.
  • Avoided costs from lower workplace incidents incl. avoided shutdown/lost production costs, avoided clean-up costs, avoided medical costs.
  • Other benefits such as higher productivity.

The ROI calculator can be found at this link:

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