This Friday 22 January, Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny will appear at a public hearing of the Queensland Parliament’s Health and Environment Committee regarding the Government’s bill to extend the COVID public health emergency and the Chief Health Officer’s extraordinary powers until the end of September. He will have 3 minutes to address the Committee from 4.05pm before being asked questions by the Committee on his submission.
You can check out the schedule for the day on the Parliamentary website.
The CHO, AMA (Qld), CCIQ, and QTIC among others will all be speaking earlier in the day, and it will be interesting to hear what they all have to say. Unfortunately, it looks like Griffith Associate Professor Kate Galloway, who wrote a scathing submission to the Committee on the lack of parliamentary oversight of COVID decision making in Queensland, isn’t available to appear before the Committee (check out Dr Galloway’s submission).
If you’d like to follow the Committee proceedings on Friday, tune in to Parliament.TV.
Queensland Parliament House, corner of Alice St and George St, Brisbane.
Photo by Jennifer Tunny