Role of Qld Parliament in public finance – upcoming ASPG event on 14 June 21

Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny has been invited by the Queensland chapter of the Australasian Study of Parliament Group (ASPG) to speak as a panel member at its upcoming event The role of Parliament in public finance on 14 June at Parliament House, Brisbane. He will be joined by former Queensland transport and finance minister Rachel Nolan and UQ Economics Associate Professor Begona Dominguez. The topic of discussion for the evening will be:

…the role of the Queensland Parliament in overseeing government financial performance. Is scrutiny of the state budget a process of careful consideration, or a rubber stamp?                             

Gene welcomes the invitation from the ASPG as it will allow him to reiterate and expand on the points he made in his 2018 book Beautiful One Day, Broke the Next regarding Queensland’s parliamentary committee process which is in need of much improvement. He will also cover how the government usually just does what it wants as it has the numbers in the Queensland Legislative Assembly and there is no state upper house which could act as a genuine house of review.

Gene looks forward to contributing to the ASPG event. For any interested academics, professionals, or students who are not a member of the ASPG it costs $10 to attend the event at Parliament House on 14 June, and tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite.

For further information please call Adept Economics on 1300 169 870 or email us on 

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