QLD Public Service Hiring Freeze

The Courier-Mail’s Steven Wardill weighed in on the Queensland public service hiring freeze in today’s paper. Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny spoke with Steven about the hiring freeze yesterday afternoon and was featured in his article:

Respected Queensland economist Gene Tunny strongly backed the hiring ban.

“The fact is they are going to have very heavy cash needs in the next six months because of the money going out the door and the hit to revenue they have had, so they are really being prudent not putting on more people,” he said.

However Mr Tunny said the State Budget would have been in better shape had the Government not been so spendthrift.

For Steven’s full article, click here. For more information on the back story of Queensland’s public finances, check out Gene’s book Beautiful One Day, Broke the Next: Queensland’s Public Finances since Sir Joh and Sir Leo. 

Please send any questions, comments, or suggestions to contact@adepteconomics.com.au or call us on 1300 169 870.

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