Data Science with R: Introduction with a focus on ABS economic data

Tickets to Data Science with R: Introduction with a focus on ABS economic data are on sale now via Eventbrite

Tickets available via this link

About the Event:

You will learn how to tidy, analyse and visualise ABS and other data using R

Learn how to automate your data analysis and create impressive visualisations using the leading programming language for data scientists internationally, the freeware software R.

By the end of the course, you will know how to use R and specifically Hadley Wickham’s Tidyverse packages which make data tidying, analysing and plotting super simple and fun.

The course involves one intensive day of training plus 2 x 3 hour follow up consultation sessions delivered online via Zoom.

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • manage R projects in the RStudio integrated development environment;
  • write R scripts that automative data analysis – e.g. crunching and plotting ABS Labour Force or National Accounts data in a way which can avoid the errors which can easily creep into Excel workbooks; and
  • generate extraordinary visualisations including facet wraps, thematic maps, and word clouds, among others.

Once you figure out the basics of R, I’m confident you will start using it in preference to Excel for the bulk of your data analysis.

You will learn R from a highly experienced data scientist and economist, Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny, who has worked with some big data sets in the past including the Queensland government’s public service database, his analysis of which with UQ Professor John Mangan was published in a leading international labour economics journal.


Morning – Learning the basics

  • Introduction to R and RStudio
  • Base R functions (e.g. operations on matrices and vectors)
  • Introduction to the Tidyverse
  • Data tidying & manipulation with dplyr (the split-apply-combine approach)
  • Visualisations with ggplot2

Afternoon – Dominating data using the R Tidyverse packages

  • dplyr & ggplot2 practice
  • Tips and tricks with data cleaning / munging
  • Tips and tricks with real data sets (ABS, US BLS, OECD, etc)
  • Advanced topics – e.g. spatial data & thematic maps, etc
  • Intro to group assignment to discuss at Zoom consultation sessions – crunching ABS National Accounts data to produce an automated informative briefing

What’s included in the price?

  • Copies of the R scripts used within the training workshop
  • Copies of the PPT slides
  • Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
  • Wifi access

What do you need to bring?

  • Your own laptop computer (ideally with the latest version of RStudio already installed)

Please send any questions, comments, or suggestions to or call us on 1300 169 870.

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