Adept Economics Director Gene Tunny presented on the Central Queensland economic outlook at the Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum at the Frenchville Sports Club in Rockhampton on Thursday 29 October 2020. Capricorn Enterprise reports:
With more than $4.6 billion worth of major regional projects on the horizon, the sold out 150-strong Forum brought together several of Australia’s leading industry professionals with presentations on a range of resources, defence and general infrastructure projects, currently underway or slated to commence in the near future.
Gene presented on the economic outlook for Central Queensland and the rest of the state. He discussed how Central Queensland has coped with the COVID-shock better than every other region in the state, no doubt due to the stabilising role played by the resources and agricultural sectors. Gene considered the implications of the looming fiscal cliff, default cliff, and insolvency tsunami for the economic outlook, as well as sector-specific developments in resources, agriculture, and energy, among others.
Gene’s presentation and others given at the Forum are available for downloading:
Presentations to Capricorn Enterprise 2020 Major Projects Forum